Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Character of the Regenerated

I'm not sure why I'm picking this topic as my first blog but, it's one that is very interesting. Now when speaking of regenerated I mean "saved" or "born-again" but, like most terms used within the Christian faith these seem to be added to the massive bowl of cliché's. So when referring to "born-again" or "saved" I often used regenerated. (Also, cause well, it just sounds cool to) Anyway, the character of the saved is one revealed to us through A. the bible and B. the Christian lifestyle.

Now throughout the New Testament it is very apparent that regenerated people evangelize; in today's church especially evangelism is completely dead. As the "collective" Catholic (Universal) church increases is membership, the percentage of Christians in the world compared to other religions are decreasing. This is not because of the rising Islamic movement in Europe, or the eastern religions of Buddhism and Hinduism. It is because of an outdated version of evangelizing. We don't live in the time of Jesus anymore where the majority of believers believe in a god, on the contrary it seems like the opposite. Instead of just preaching Jesus loves you and wants you to repent because, you need to be purged of your sins and start a new life. We the Church needs to be on the offense of God instead of on the defense. We need to publicly affirm and promote ration reasoning for believing in Deity. It is a WAR out there which needs to be played strategically. Though through the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the cross people do get converted and convicted. That simply cannot be the only means of evangelizing. Don't get me wrong it is important but, it has it's place.

Now how I got on that whole subject I really have no clue... but! I was leading into the fact that regenerate Christians need to follow the example of 1 Peter 3:15 and prepare a defense for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. Not only a rational and intellectual defense but, one in which we can patiently listen, understand, and respectfully discuss with others outside of our faith. The Christian character needs to be patient and kind there is no getting around it. If you loudly rebuke (even curse) people in response to what they have not only said but, maybe do. You are a perfect example to base all other Christians off; you have now given this person justification to turn away from your faith and any future encounters other Christians may have of preaching to them.

Integrity is among the very dieing characteristics in today's society. It is such a beautiful and amazing thing to do upon others when given no credit or reward. I have watched countless times in my life "Christians" trying to seek credit; most of the time it was not openly or even noticeable to most. I count myself as a very observant person; some call me rude, or anti-social, and even judgmental because, I love to sit back and just watch how people interact with others. These"Christians" often get what they want to and it becomes a tangled mess of pride and selfishness mixed in with their outlook on life. It kills me to see people who were "once" on "fire" for God become victims of pride and simply degrade spiritually and physically. Some may think I'm exaggerating but, never the less it is apparent.

Back to the point... Regenerate Christians should go out of their way to show and do loving acts toward others when no one is watching or can ever find out. There you will find joy unspeakable.

Martin Luther is often quoted for saying "Christian life consists of faith and charity."

Christian character is also one that does not back down from a fight (no hitting involved.) If someone lets says most likely "post-modernists" makes irrational claims about God but, yet as no proof to substantiate that claim other than their infinite knowledge... should be flat out rebuked or for that matter at least challenged. The United States (and some still think it is) is considered a Christian nation but, it seems to us as Christians society as in a way built up around us, absorbing some of our holidays and beliefs and incorporated it in their society but, in the root of it all it is not Christian. We are surrounded by the media, public schools, and stupid religious bashers like "Richard Dawkins" who use the ill-minded and ignorant college students to promote this "new Atheism" which is taught to our kids in grade school and taught as if it is an indisputable fact... We as Christians need to win back the minds of our society by all means necessary.

It's late and I want to go to bed, I didn't cover everything I wanted to about Christian character but, it's at least a start =)

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